
One-One Interview Preparation

The One-One Interview preparation provides students with a tailored 1 hour session on how to approach and prepare for their veterinary medicine interview. The One-One Interview preparation for veterinary medicine interviews includes:

  • 15 minute ‘get to know’ session prior to the preparatory session to gather more information about what the student would like to get out of/ improve on during the One-One session.

  • Personalised interview questions based on the students personal statement, extended essays/research projects and work experience.

  • Guided practice of a variety of past vet school interview questions. Topics covered include: ethics, welfare, anatomy and physiology, communications skills, work experience and written assessments.

  • Opportunity to discuss the interview process and clinical particulars with a veterinary surgeon.

Why is interview preparation so important?

Veterinary medicine interviews are notoriously difficult however, they are predictable. Having an insight into the types of questions asked and an understanding of what the examiners are looking for when answering them is of great comfort on interview day. We go the extra mile to personalise the One-One Session to build individuals confidence and teach them techniques that will allow them to successfully work through any scenario presented to them.

Cost: £80/ session

When: The sessions take place over Zoom or Microsoft Teams at evenings and weekends. Timings are arranged via email.

More information: launderfarmexperiencedays@gmail.com